Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fewer Sud$

Advertising Age reports that major brewers have cut traditional media spending by $131 million (24%) during the first six months of 2007. The result? Increased sales. So traditional media takes another hit.

One thing that interested me in the article is the assertion that total spending is not down, and may actually have increased. Media reporting service TNS is taken to task for its (in)ability to accurately measure local media as well as non-traditional media. Even back in the pre-Internet days, accurate spending information was hard to come by. Now, with so many more choices available, the problem is greatly exaggerated. A business opportunity for someone...

In any case, a 24% decrease has to send more shivers down the spine of network execs and professional sports league management types, which derive so much revenue from the beer companies. Perhaps this explains the late-season troubles of the Milwaukee Brewers. Or maybe not.

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